Via S. Margherita, 2 Firenze
President: Sac. Roberto Tassi


Book: Chiesa Madonna De' Ricci


 Some dates about the Dante's life were identified during recent studies:

  • The birthday of Dante Alighieri, corresponding at the Tuesday June 2 nd 1265.
    The Sun was at 18.01', into Gemini.
  • The birthday of Beatrice Portinari, corresponding at the Friday October 2 nd 1265 , feast of SS. Guardian Angels
  • The day when Dante saw Beatrice the first time: Friday February 2nd 1274,
    feast of the Candelora, into the Santa Margherita Church.

These and other information are printed into the book edited by
G. Ceri e R. Tassi:

La Chiesa di Santa Margherita, detta
Chiesa di Dante

Ed. M.I.R. Montespertoli (Firenze), 1996.
The first edition sold aut.

Everyone interested and information at the telephone number:
(+39) 055-215044.

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